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How Great Is Your Faithfulness

How great is your faithfulness oh Lord that you suspend the earth in orbit. You orchestrate all of life. How great is your faithfulness that you provide all that we need, every bit of it. How faithful are you that your thoughts are of us.

God’s faithfulness is so good it’s overwhelming. He is unchanging and ever faithful and fully committed to us. I am so humbled when I think about how often I change. He has been faithful to me since before I took my first breath.

Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

He formed me and declared that I was sacred long before I agreed with Him. He was committed to me long before any attempt of pledging myself ever entered my heart or mind.

When I look back over my life I can see God’s faithfulness imprinted everywhere. I experienced His grace before I accepted it. I know He saved me from myself repeatedly before I surrendered to Him. And I know that my faithlessness broke His heart. I know that He anguished knowing that if only I acknowledged what even the rocks know, that He is God, He could have saved me from so much disappointment.

Psalm 19:1: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”

Luke 19:40: “He answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.”

The Lord was so faithful when I was young, and I was committed to Him for years. I was raised by a believing mother, but we didn’t practice our faith. No church attendance for us, though I always knew her love for Christ was genuine. As a result my love for Him was also genuine, for a time. I started feeling smarter than God when I was fifteen, and by the time I was sixteen I was convinced that I held all the secrets of the universe.

Although questions are good, great really, my questions were not those of a humble person who honestly wanted answers. Through all my questioning He was faithful, but the only things that came from my “questions” were pride and isolation.

Like Adam and Eve I cast myself out of Eden for “knowledge”. God was still faithful. I know He was there with me through my many years as an all-knowing atheist. I dove into the sciences and studied Chemistry, which made me even more convinced that I knew everything about everything. Yes, I was even an expert on subjects that I wasn’t familiar with, like politics. I partied. I spun out of control. Years of self-destructive behavior, selfishness, and vanity should have been enough for Him to turn away from me, but He was still faithful.

In 2000, just months before my twenty-first birthday, my self-love led me to want to make improvements on my appearance. I had a facial peel hoping to be even more beautiful than I already was. This peel left more than 80% of my face scarred. He was faithful.

In the midst of all my pain and suffering He could not stand by. He was so powerfully present. He swooped in like we do when our children are injured and just picked me up in His arms. He surrounded me. His warmth was so good and beautiful that experiencing it was the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I am still amazed by God’s continued faithfulness in my otherwise insignificant life.

I could sing of His faithfulness forever.

He has been faithful to save me from myself.

He was faithful to give me my husband.

He was faithful to give me a daughter.

He was faithful through the loss of two children.

He was faithful to give me a son through adoption.

He is faithful to gift me with so many great friendships.

He is faithful to allow me to join Him in His works of love.

He was faithful before I took my first breath. He was faithful when I hated Him. He was faithful when I was insecure. He was faithful in all my suffering. He continues to be faithful every minute of every day, even as my commitment waxes and wanes. I can only pray to grow in my faithfulness as I am met with the undeniable faithfulness of my Savior.

Lamentations 3:22-23 “The Lord’s loving kindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.”

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